Saturday, June 21, 2008

My New Posting

I've been posted as VS, VD, Thiruvanvandur,Alappuzha, Kerala. I am trying to make the best out of it. The condition is pathetic. Lets see after a year where I am heading to.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Start of my career.

I am a post graduate in Veterinary Surgery . I did my undergraduate studies at College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Trichur, Kerala, India.Post graduated from the Madras Veterinary College,Chennai, Tamilnadu. I passed out with a Gold medal for the highest marks in Veterinary Surgery. I was inspired to take up Surgery as my specialisation after seeing the works of my professors Late Dr. P.O. George. Dr. Muraleedharan Nair, Dr.Ravindran Nair, Dr. Rajan Kuty, Dr. Sarada Amma Etc. I still remember I used to swoon whenever I witnessed an operation being performed. It was Dr. Rajan kutty, who instilled confidence in me that I could overcome it and perform surgery. I owe my sincere thanks to Rajan kutty sir, My teachers of surgery at COVAS, Mannuthy and my teachers of Veterinary Surgery at MVC, Chennai. My special gratitude to my Post graduate Guide and Chairman Prof.Dr. Thilagar, M.V.Sc., PhD. for having brought out the best in me , encouraging me to work hard, inspire and guide me during difficult times.My wife Dr. R. Chitra is also a post graduate in Veterinary Surgery and is my partner in all surgeries I perform. She instills confidence in me while I perform surgery and always helps me out in difficult surgeries with creative ideas and suggestions.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Kerala's health sector once proclaimed to be of world class is in shambles now. What ails the present system? One need not be an astute scholar or a researcher to find out the problems and the possible solutions. The main problem is the lack of service of good doctors in our rural hospitals with adequate specialization in various areas. The govt wants working in rural areas mandatory to all new graduates from our medical colleges. This does not solve the problem.

The real problem for good doctors leaving/ not joining our health service is 1. Poor pay scale. 2. Heavy work load and 3. Lack of adequate infrastructure and facilities. Without trying to correct all these factors at a time no solution can be found to this problem. If all the said points are corrected there will be no dearth of talent in our rural hospitals.

Kerala’s common man is suffering from an increasing incidence of life style diseases, fever related illnesses due to lack of cleanliness of our surroundings, zoonotic and other health issues. A concerted effort from the govt, local bodies and a media campaign is essential to correct these problems at the root level. People in Kerala are very particular about personal cleanliness but are least concerned of his surroundings. The occurrence of Chikunguniya in Pathanamthitta dist is due to rain water accumulation in rubber sap collection cups, leading to mosquito breeding. The bunds created at Thanneermukkom etc have resulted in the natural maintenance of the Kuttanad ecosystem non functional resulting in accumulation of polluted water. The saline water that used to enter during summer months would have acted as a natural defense against microbes.

The lost glory can be restored if the Govt. acts with a will and keep in mind long term goals. Private investment can be welcomed as the govt lacks funds. Revenue collection should be made efficient and tax evasion should be dealt with punitively. Petty politics should be left out and a concerted and sincere effort from our leaders is a must for this.